The Digital Fab Lab @UVic
"Between English + Visual Arts"
Jentery Sayers | University of Victoria | @jenterysayers
BC Library Conference | 22 May 2015
Research Supported by Canada Foundation for Innovation, Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council, and the British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund
---Please use your space bar to navigate these slides.---
Outline for Today
Overview of Lab Motivations + Research
The Maker Lab as DH Space + Place
The Fab Lab as DH Space + Place
Talk about Libraries + Makerspaces
Lab Motivations + Research
Makerspace as a Model for a Laboratory
Expand Physical Computing and Fabrication
Prototype the Past (Especially Inaccessible Tech)
Lab Motivations + Research
Workshops and Education, Too
Shape Humanities Curriculum from the Margins
Build on Digital Humanities Summer Institute
Maker Lab as Space + Place
A Space Like Most Digital Humanities Labs
Some Screens, Some Workstations, Some Digitization
To "Do DH" Is to Digitize + Model + Share
Maker Lab as Space + Place
A Space Like a Lounge + Library
Reading in the Lab Is Fundamental to Its Culture
To "Do DH" Is to Yack about Technoculture
Maker Lab as Space + Place
A Space Like a Studio + Craft Room + Popup
Encouraging Mess-Making + Tinkering Is Vital
Start Not with Lack, But with What We Already Know
To "Do DH" Is to Experiment + Prototype
Maker Lab as Space + Place
A Space for Your Fails, Sketches + Drafts
Researchers Need a Place to House Middle States
To "Do DH" Is to Reflect + Revise + Reiterate
Fab Lab as Space + Place
A Space for CNC Manufacturing
Prototyping Transitions into Distributing Multiples
To "Do DH" Is to Make + Circulate Tactile Objects
Fab Lab as Space + Place
A Safe, Healthy + Smart Space
Lab Requires Signage, Protocols + Safety Equipment
To "Do DH" Is to Anticipate + Prevent Accidents
Fab Lab as Space + Place
A Space for Post-Production + Repair
Objects Always Need Tuning after Fabrication
To "Do DH" Is to Fix + Prep Materials for Audiences
The Labs as Spaces + Places
A Between State: Designs Entangled in Disciplines
Old Tech, New Tech: Co-Location Fosters Curiosity
From . . . To: Sourcing + Afterlives Are Inquiries
Transdiscipline: Toward Problem-Based Modeling
After the Internet, Computer Screens + New Media,
What Makes Tactile Media Persuasive?
Or, What Do Tactile Media Do Now, Differently,
for Scholarly Communication?
Thank You
Jentery Sayers | University of Victoria | @jenterysayers
BC Library Conference | 22 May 2015
Special Thanks to Anne Olsen and Erin Fields
The 2014-15 MLab Research Team:
Nina Belojevic, Nicole Clouston, Katherine Goertz,
Danielle Morgan, Shaun Macpherson, and Jentery Sayers