
Things to Think With: Introduction to Modelling and Printing 3D Objects (Spring 2014)

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Research Log (two marks, each 30% of your final grade)

Almost every week, you will demonstrate what you are learning in Digital Humanities 250 via a “research log entry.” These entries are intended to be both brief and concise, and the main idea is to keep your contributions to the course fresh and consistent. For each entry, I will give you brief instructions, which will be conveyed during class meetings and/or published on the course site. There are nine total log entries in the course; however, the number is subject to revision (i.e., an increase or decrease), depending on student performance and interests. You will receive the first mark for your research log during the middle of the semester and your second mark near the semester’s end.

Presentations (one mark, 25% of your final grade)

Throughout the course, you will give very short, informal presentations on something you’re making for Digital Humanities 250. They will be based on and draw evidence from material in your research log (see above), and the intended audience will be me as well as your Digital Humanities 250 peers. The primary point of these presentations is to use class time to update people in the room on what you’re doing, how, and why. Again, they are not meant to be formal, and they should not require much preparation.

Final Reflection (one mark, 15% of your final grade)

At the term’s end, you will submit a final reflection on what you learned during the course, including what you learned about material culture, the history of the object(s) you studied, and—of course—the culture and technical particulars of 3D modelling and printing.